We have recently updated parts of our Tree Care Academy program to better reflect the industry and to better support the industry’s needs.
Holding tree care industry credentials will help you show your skill and value to your employer.
Lower insurance premiums are offered to companies with low injury rates. Established training programs such as Tree Care Academy ensure these insurance savings. Training programs lower injuries, increase productivity and save money. It’s really that simple. Employees appreciate the investment that you are making in their futures.
This is also a great way to verify that OSHA and ANSI Z133 required training has been performed and helps to identify motivated
employees for future promotions. Administer these courses at your company. Each course teaches and tests for critical skills and core knowledge that tree care employees need in order to work safely and professionally according to industry standards.
Many titles are also in Spanish!
The Tree Care Academy® training programs are copyrighted training programs that have registered trademarks filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Only those individuals or companies with employees, who hold valid certificates for a given program may advertise affiliation with these programs. TCIA does not provide or encourage advertising of the program logos, however, displays of valid certificates and wallets cards, as well as depictions of helmets decals and uniform patches in photos of individuals and employees, are permitted.