Dan Tremblay’s company, Broad Oak Tree & Shrub Care in New Hampshire, has been a member of TCIA for more than 30 years. Dan said he knows that the difference between belonging to TCIA and other associations is that they’re only one call away from finding solutions to everyday business problems.
In fact, Dan said … Just one phone call to TCIA paid off his membership dues for the last 33 years.”
It started with a call that no tree care owner wants to get: a crew member broke his leg on a job.
Dan and the crew’s years of TCIA training kicked in. The injured employee’s co-worker inspected the scene, attended to the co-worker’s injury, and called EMS and Dan, who arrived on the job site within 15 minutes. After ensuring their crew member got safely to the hospital, they started documenting what happened – from the initial sales call to the crew’s arrival and steps leading to the accident.
Although Dan thought they had done everything by the book, he was issued his first OSHA citation. He immediately contacted his TCIA member engagement manager, Nate Goulet, to get help navigating OSHA. Within 20 minutes, he got a response from Peter Gerstenberger, TCIA’s senior vice president and industry support and safety specialist. Peter also oversees all TCIA’s advocacy and industry regulations and is a certified arborist.
Peter walked him through the citation step-by-step, helping Dan prepare his case. The citation was ultimately deleted, saving Dan further loss of time and expense.
Dan invests in membership year after year because as his business changes, TCIA also changes to meet his needs at every stage. He is grateful for TCIA’s online courses and education that have helped Broad Oak train its employees to reduce risk and keep their overall incident rate low. His company takes advantage of the online training through the Tree Care Academy and the free workshops TCIA offers for him and his crew, which are funded by an OSHA Susan Harwood grant. Dan’s company was the first to become accredited in New Hampshire.
His business is small, but it’s just big enough for him, and he likes to keep it that way. With a three-person crew, he appreciates knowing TCIA is just a phone call away if he needs support. Dan is a climber, part of the crew, the sales manager, and pretty much the manager of everything else, but as a member of TCIA, he knows he has an entire team behind him.
To see more stories from TCIA members, we invite you to read our our WHY TCIA brochure.
Are you a member of TCIA and have a story to share about how your membership has supported you and your business? Please reach out to us at marketing@tcia.org to tell us your story!
Not a member of TCIA but interested in learning more? Click here to contact us and meet with one of our member engagement managers.