TCA - Plant Health Care - cover

TCIA’s Tree Care Academy Plant Health Care Technician program builds on material presented in Tree Care Specialist.

This course includes:

  • site mapping
  • advanced soil management
  • tree fertilization
  • nutrition applications
  • pesticide selection and application
  • integrated pest management (IPM) concepts
  • bio-controls
  • organic tree care concepts.

For the months of January and February, you can save $10 on Tree Care Academy – PHC Technician!

The course covers:

  • Plant Health Care concepts
  • Nutrition
  • Soil Management
  • Biotic and abiotic diagnosis
  • Fertilization
  • Pest ID & Controls
  • The Plant Health Care Technician training program manual is only available in English.

Mike Raupp’s Managing Insect and Mites on Woody Plants: an IPM Approach guidebook is a strongly recommended companion reference for the PHC technician manual.

Benefits for Employees

Completion of this training program prepares you to perform work as a qualified plant health care technician.

Benefits for Employers

PHC is a growing service offering for tree care companies. This program will help you verify that your employees understand the technical concepts required to provide plant health care services.

Plant Health Care Technician Enrollment

$94.99 for TCIA members ($149.99 non-members). The fee includes the program manual.

The fee also includes:

  • Test correction by TCIA
  • Transcript storage in TCIA database
  • Helmet decal, patch, and certificate upon completion

Completion of this program qualifies for 20.25 ISA CEUs / 2.25 CTSP CEUs.


Ground Operations 1: Fundamentals Online Training CourseGround Operations 1: Fundamentals Online Training Course
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