TCIA’s Core Values
- Be of Service
- Be Team Players
- Be Driven
- Be Adaptable
- Be Principled
Core Focus
Purpose/Cause/Passion: Advance Tree Care Businesses
TCIA’s 10-Year Target
TCIA offers essential resources for tree care companies to succeed and has 6,000 members accessing those offerings.
3-Year Picture
- Active Members: 2,150
- Active Member Retention: 95%
- Engagement: 65% Score over 300
- Corporate Members: 370
- Corporate Member Retention: 95%
What does it look like?
- Marketing strategy that identifies distinct member segments and reaches them through unique channels, including online forums, tree climbing contests, etc.
- 12,000 annual connections between members and dedicated member engagement and member experience representatives
- Compile and review member satisfaction and needs data on at least an annual basis
- Increase outreach to emergent ownership segments with a goal of 200 active members that are women/minority owned
- Set the standard for industry events with 4,000 TCI EXPO attendees, 1,000 WMC/EAW attendees, 3,500 workshop attendees (including CTSP workshops) and 1,000 attendees at ASTI-sponsored events
- Grow associate membership and engagement with a goal of increasing revenue from this segment by 10% annually
Address Member Needs by:
- Investing in a data and research strategy to help us make strategic decisions.
- Launching a strategy to tier different levels of services and pricing.
- Developing and launching a strategy to reinvent TCIA Magazine
- Launching our TCIA 6 Domain Business Management curriculum, including online and re-imagined Accreditation, to help tree care companies run their businesses better.
- Implementing scalable, profitable strategies to deliver tailored solutions to prospective and member companies.
- Implementing a marketing strategy to leverage Corporate Members to connect their customers to TCIA.
- Developing an outreach strategy for engagement with Industry Partners.
- Implementing an advocacy strategy to better influence state and federal legislation.