TCIA’s Core Values

  1. Be of Service
  2. Be Team Players
  3. Be Driven
  4. Be Adaptable
  5. Be Principled

Core Focus

Purpose/Cause/Passion: Advance Tree Care Businesses

TCIA’s 10-Year Target

TCIA offers essential resources for tree care companies to succeed and has 6,000 members accessing those offerings.

3-Year Picture


  • Active Members: 2,150
  • Active Member Retention: 95%
  • Engagement: 65% Score over 300
  • Corporate Members: 370
  • Corporate Member Retention: 95%

What does it look like?

  • Marketing strategy that identifies distinct member segments and reaches them through unique channels, including online forums, tree climbing contests, etc.
  • 12,000 annual connections between members and dedicated member engagement and member experience representatives
  • Compile and review member satisfaction and needs data on at least an annual basis
  • Increase outreach to emergent ownership segments with a goal of 200 active members that are women/minority owned
  • Set the standard for industry events with 4,000 TCI EXPO attendees, 1,000 WMC/EAW attendees, 3,500 workshop attendees (including CTSP workshops) and 1,000 attendees at ASTI-sponsored events
  • Grow associate membership and engagement with a goal of increasing revenue from this segment by 10% annually

Address Member Needs by:

  1. Investing in a data and research strategy to help us make strategic decisions.
  2. Launching a strategy to tier different levels of services and pricing.
  3. Developing and launching a strategy to reinvent TCIA Magazine
  4. Launching our TCIA 6 Domain Business Management curriculum, including online and re-imagined Accreditation, to help tree care companies run their businesses better.
  5. Implementing scalable, profitable strategies to deliver tailored solutions to prospective and member companies.
  6. Implementing a marketing strategy to leverage Corporate Members to connect their customers to TCIA.
  7. Developing an outreach strategy for engagement with Industry Partners.
  8. Implementing an advocacy strategy to better influence state and federal legislation.