A300 Committee
The ASC A300 committee has representatives from a broad and diverse group of industrial and governmental organizations. The ASC A300 committee usually meets twice a year to write, revise and review standards and proposed standard projects. Meetings are free and open to the public, however there may be a charge for lunch and refreshments. As the committee writes new standards or revises existing standards, TCIA holds public review periods so all materially affected parties can review and provide comments.
TCIA Credentialing Council
The TCIA Credentialing Council serves as a policy body and shall oversee all current TCIA credentialing programs (Accreditation/CTSP/Crew Leader). These programs shall be administered in accordance with approved and accepted credentialing standards and best management practices. The council will have oversight for the evolution of all TCIA credentialing programs.
Associate Members Advisory Committee
All TCIA Associate Members are welcome to participate actively in this Committee, which works in partnership with TCIA to build stronger markets between consumers, credentialed tree care companies, and Associate members. Members meet at the TCI EXPO.
ASTI Grant Committee
The ASTI Grant Committee evaluates the operational safety metrics of the Arborist Safety Training Institute. The committee analyzes information on the industry’s safety training needs and priorities, then addresses those needs through the allocation of grant funding. Comprised of representatives from a wide range of positions, members of the committee meet twice per year, during the spring and fall, and act as ambassadors for the Arborist Safety Training Institute throughout their term.
Audit Committee
The committee oversees all material aspects of the organization’s audit to include financial reporting, internal control and audit functions. The audit committee’s role includes a particular focus on the qualitative aspects of financial reporting and on organization processes for the management of risk and for compliance with significant applicable tax, legal, ethical and regulatory requirements. The committee consists of the chairman, vice chairman and senior director of the board of directors, plus one non-board member who has experience and knowledge of financial reporting.
Certified Treecare Safety Professional Council
The CTSP Council is charged with the ongoing oversight and evolution of the Certified Treecare Safety Professional (CTSP) designation. TCIA’s Board of Directors approves all appointments, and seeks to have both external and internal expertise on this Council for credibility and breadth of knowledge.
Council of Tree & Landscape Appraisers
The Council of Tree & Landscape Appraisers (CTLA) is an organization of tree care and landscape associations, including TCIA, the American Nursery and Landscape Association (ANLA), American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA), American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), PLANET, and International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). These organizations work together to compile and produce the CTLA Guide to tree and plant appraisals.
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee reviews egregious cases and gross violations of member conduct such as price gouging, price fixing, bait and switch, crimes, and member-to-member ethical disputes. For more information about this committee, please email David White.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee provides oversight for the financial welfare of TCIA, including investment policies and portfolio review. In addition, the Finance Committee reviews the strategic vision of TCIA and the proposed budget’s plan to accomplish it. The committee consists of the chairman, vice chairman and senior director of the board of directors.
Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee is charged to annually provide the Board of Directors with at least two qualified candidates for each of the vacant positions of Senior Director and Director. This committee consists of the vice chair and senior director of TCIA, as well as a member-at-large appointed by the board.
Safety and Education Committee
The Safety and Education Committee is comprised of representatives from TCIA member companies. Its charge is to bring a culture of safety to those in the arboriculture profession who need it the most and who are open to change and improvement. It meets twice a year to develop safety/training programs and advise on Tree Care Academy/EHAP certificate program development. Its members serve as safety mentors to assist members and others.
The Voice for Trees Political Action Committee
The Voice for Trees works through the legislative process to advance issues vitally important to the tree care industry. The political action committee organizes TCIA members and raises funds necessary to positively affect national tree care issues such as immigration, pesticide regulations, hours of service rules, and changes in the American workplace.
Z133 Committee
The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) Z133 was organized in 1968, with the National Arborist Association (now TCIA) as its original Secretariat. The ISA became its Secretariat in 1969. Committee delegates include representatives from industry, labor, academia, government, equipment manufacturing, the insurance industry, individual arborists and other interested parties. The ASC Z133 typically meets twice a year and revises the Z133 Standard every five to six years.